Catamarca Wine Region Guide

From Ancient Lands to Pioneering Hands: Discover the Resilience and Elegance of Catamarca Wines


Last updated: August 26, 2024


Located in Argentina’s far northwest, Catamarca is a gateway to the majestic Andean cordillera: snow-capped peaks and winter sports galore. The wider region, meanwhile, is full of postcard-pretty towns and cities that reveal ancient churches and sociable plazas. Add a dynamic food scene and some of the country’s most luxurious rural accommodations, and it’s easy to see why discerning travelers have fallen in love.

Yet, Catamarca’s wine culture was nothing to write home about for a long time. Although the Jesuits brought some fine things to northern Argentina in the 18th century – viticulture and universities, to name just two – the farmers who worked these ancient lands never showed any interest in premium winemaking.

Instead, vast quantities of table grapes have traditionally been cultivated in Catamarca, nourished by generous volumes of meltwater transported from the Andes via the Abaucan River. Until the early 21st century, there was no export economy in this corner of northwestern Argentina. Any wines produced were for local consumption only. They were typically alcoholic and coarse – lacking depth and character.

Then, the pioneers arrived, and everything changed for the better. Led by Bodega Seismiles and the Tizac Vicien group, quality-focused wineries are now a feature of the Catamarcan landscape, attracting interest (and investment) from further afield. The number of labels remains relatively small: the vineyards that encircle the village of Chañar Punco and the small city of Santa Maria produce a handful of premium brands. But, despite its humble beginnings, a remarkable transformation has begun to take root in the land of table grapes, inspiring a new era of winemaking in Catamarca.

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